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The pineal gland : explanations

In the Hindu yogic tradition the centres of energy are called chakras, the highest chakra which corresponds to the top of the skull is called Sahasrara and its element is the inner light, it is of course connected to the pineal gland, and some say that the pineal gland is the dense physical exteriorization of the activity of the coronal center, the pineal would therefore be the anatomical equivalent on the physical level of the 3rd eye of all mystical and spiritual traditions.

The pineal gland carries in its constitution apatite crystals, these crystals would vibrate according to the electromagnetic waves collected.

The epiphysis or pineal gland is located in the centre of the brain, is shaped like a pine cone and plays an important role both in regulating life cycles (mainly sleep) and in controlling sexual activities and reproduction It is an essential organ to reach higher levels of consciousness.

It is hollow and filled with a fluid containing crystals. Calcification of these crystals with mineral deposits blocks the piezoluminescence properties of these crystals and can lead to malfunctions. The pineal secretes melatonin to bring our consciousness into a state of sleep, it also secretes another hormone of the same family as melatonin, of a similar octave but higher than melatonin the active chemical ingredient is known as DiMethylTryptamine (or DMT). The DMT substance allows the self-consciousness to travel beyond the limits of the limiting consciousness of the body and the five senses.

DMT is a natural secretion of the human body, some experimenters or shamans use other external inputs of synthetic or vegetable DMT (ayahuasca, iboga…) Self-awareness is able to separate naturally from the consciousness of the physical body, and to travel with complete clarity in many levels of consciousness, which exist in parallel and simultaneously with the physical dimension. (the world of dreams, archetypes, spiritual and astral realities).

DMT secretion can act as a portal to light experiments, some of which may be EMI or NDE, or exit out of the body.

glande pinéale

The pineal gland has photo receptor cells identical to those found in the retina.

Several researchers have suggested that the pineal is a second visual platform, a third eye without lenses or irises, but the primary cell found in the pineal, the pinealocyte is a derivative of the evolution of photo receptor cells found in the retina of the eye.

According to the ancestral knowledge of the Hindus, it has two chakras (energy centre), the 3rd eye and the coronal.

The pineal in the image of an antenna is able to capture the electromagnetic fields of our 3rd dimension, but also the other dimensions of the universe allowing access to spiritual and subtle fields. It would therefore be able to detect dimensions invisible to the physical eyes, and this antenna or radar would be linked to capabilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and mediumship (contact with other dimensions).

Calcification of the pineal

For a very large number of adults, the pineal gland seems to be calcified or scaled, in fact scientists believe that it degenerates with age and that its only function was to bring out sexuality until the age of 13 or 14, only to lose all function and become calcified. The consequences of this calcification can be: poor concentration, poor vision, poor stress management, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, anorexia and bulimia, autism…

Dr. Sergio Felipe de Oliveira, for his doctoral thesis at the University of SAO PAULO, carried out research by X-ray diffraction and other techniques on the crystals of the pineal, resulting in it not calcifying completely, and he could observe that a blood microcirculation metabolically maintained the active and living crystals, and this gave it a structure similar to that of a resonance box, which allows it to capture electromagnetic waves.

Some factors seem to increase the calcification of the pineal and make it ineffective: fluoride (fluoride, toothpaste, tap water or certain bottled waters), certain foods, psychotropic drugs (prozac), chlorine, bromide, mercury, calcium supplements, pesticides, sugar, tobacco, alcohol…. The crystals of the pineal are attached to mineral deposits and through this calcification can no longer exercise their piezoluminescent properties.

Activation of the pineal

The pineal gland is our internal and biological watch, it is reactive to external aspects such as temperature and light. Internal messages such as emotions and states guide the pineal, so that it adapts the biology of the organism to the environment, thus regulating the state of mind, sleep, immunity, seasonal rhythms, menstruation, and aging…

Activating the function of your pineal is extremely important, this master gland affects all the systems of your physical body, and it has the potential to determine the expansion or retraction of your consciousness and the various experiences and consequences that result.

It is now known that bright and intense light activates the pineal allowing the release of DMT. An American researcher Dr. Rick Strassman in a scientific study over more than 4 years has demonstrated that DMT secretion is at the origin of various experiments: expansion of consciousness beyond the usual limits (body and 5 senses) release of psycho-emotional blockages, unexplained healings, awareness, contacts with other levels of reality, spiritual and transcendental experiences, projections of consciousness outside the body, EMI (near death experiences).

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