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The break, a short relaxation
with precious effects.

with precious effects.We’re running all the time and yet we can’t seem to keep up, even as we pick up our pace, the finish line is still pulling away, everything is going too fast, always too fast. Unable to focus on the present moment, we feel stressed, dissatisfied, we feel incomprehension, anger, frustration. We are under pressure around the clock, caught in a frenetic whirlwind from which it is difficult to escape We are no longer able to give meaning to our days, to project ourselves and for all that the rare moments of respite that we allow ourselves are invaded by anxiety of guilt and therefore only increase our confusion, this chronic suffering. which causes us to lose our confidence, our esteem, which makes us lose our footing …

Our mind often tells us to persist, but it happens that our body can no longer follow, it sends us signals and we can suffer from inexplicable ailments, the fatigue felt seems insurmountable, because paradoxically we are no longer able or little to sleep under the threat of dark thoughts, under the assault of emotional, psychic, physiological, physical tensions.

We run out of air, we have to breathe, breathe, find ourselves, catch our breath.

Press PAUSE.

We all aspire to find this beneficial interval which brings us back to a state of calm and clarity, this foretaste of happiness where the first sensation is the return of well-being. Let our heart and our emotions speak, suspend thought, leave it available, find serenity, and finally let go.

However we are so trapped, so alienated by our daily life, our mind often locks us in our worries, our difficulties, that we do not even know how to struggle, to free ourselves from this straitjacket.

The good news is that it is possible to get out of this age-old pattern by allowing yourself moments of quality relaxation, the good news is that there are new approaches to help you, to tackle it. things differently and experience them differently.

Well-being is certainly a trend, but it is a need, a necessity, a decision to be made in order to live better, it is a plenitude that we all more or less seek to achieve, linked individually to the different vagaries of our personal lives. We have all heard of relaxation, meditation, ASMR, but difficult to get started, difficult to drop out alone, without a boost, without a line to follow, without support and / or systems that allow us to persevere. To achieve mindfulness that allows us to calm our minds and refocus our concentration. When the sources of distractions take over and the relaxation process is altered, it is often necessary to be guided, supported, through professionals or technological tools, solutions at hand, encouraging progress to come to terms with our own feelings, our attention, in the present moment, to observe our thoughts, calmly without judgment, to see things differently while being relaxed, in full state of modified consciousness.

The break is a gift, taking care of your mind, your health and making your mind travel is the greatest reward you can afford.

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