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The Hypnagogic State :

We have developed the ludmila lamp, a true concentrate of technology capable of giving you an exceptional experience and benefiting from many benefits. n fact, Ludmila is not a simple lamp, it is a hypnagogic lamp also having the functions of light therapy and chromotherapy. The hypnagogic function will give you a unique sensation, and regenerating to discover and increase the capacities of your consciousness.
The hypnagogic state is a specific state of consciousness located between that of waking and sleeping. It lasts a few minutes during which we face unusual sensory experiences. This is because it takes place during the sleep phase, which corresponds to the first phase of sleep. During this phase we still have our 5 senses, although these are diminished. We then speak of a state of semi-consciousness which allows us to benefit from deep relaxation. The hypnagogic state allows us to have an unusual sensory experience. It allows us to see images, colors, visions, thoughts, hear sounds or even feel physical sensations (movements, touch, etc.). This state also allows us to explore our state of consciousness and leaves room for creativity. he hypnagogic state has other benefits such as improving the quality of sleep, relaxation, or increasing our mental capacities.

It is for these reasons that we wanted to develop the Ludmila lamp, allowing you to live this unique experience and immerse yourself in a hypnagogic state. Ludmila allows you to benefit from the many benefits of the hypnagogic state. Our lamp is capable of emitting different flicker frequencies. Indeed, each frequency has a particular benefit, for example the delta frequency helps to promote the quality of sleep. So you have the possibility to choose the frequency of the lamp according to your needs.

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