Chromotherapy lamp

How does our Chromotherapy lamp work ?

The principle of chromotherapy is simple; “ Each color corresponds to a vibration with its own speed, wavelength or rhythm. t exerts a physical, psychological or emotional influence and allows our vital energy to reach a state facilitating self-healing« .

Therapy can be carried out in which colors are projected onto the patient with a given filter. The colors will be selected according to the care you want to provide.

Chromotherapy is an unconventional medicine. It consists of projecting colored lights on the body as a whole (global chromotherapy) or on specific areas (local chromotherapy). She mainly uses eight colors which come from the three primary colors and their combinations. Magenta, pink and indigo can be added to it as well. Each color has its meaning based on the experiences we have. Indeed, they are classified into warm colors and cool colors. This categorization allows colors to be associated with different sensations and benefits.

Thus chromotherapy is a gentle therapy technique that allows the body to harmonize and cure certain physical or emotional ailments. Its field of application is very varied, ranging from the treatment of insomnia to that of anxiety or even indigestion. Each color corresponds to a specific wavelength. These have an effect on our cells able to perceive these different wavelengths So these wavelengths cause a biological effect on our cells.

How to order the Ludmila lamp?

Caractéristiques de la lampe

Lamp Characteristics

Control your lamp

with a tablet

“In addition to the lamp, you will receive a tablet with a dedicated application that will allow you to control your hypnagogic lamp”

Tablette Chromothérapie

Symbols and Meaning



It is the color that represents strength, health and vitality Red is often to illustrate ambitious characters, who love life without being complicated.

For health :

Symbol of fire, red rays give off heat and are excellent for conditions aggravated by cold, congestion, mucous membranes:


Healing properties: Blue is cold, electric, astringent Treats low or cold inflammation (don’t forget rheumatic inflammation), fever, high blood pressure, stops bleeding, relieves headaches, calms strong emotions such as anger, aggression or hysteria. Brings tranquility.

Blue is the color:

The effects of the color blue :


Healing properties: Yellow helps strengthen the nerves and the mind. It helps to awaken mental inspiration and stimulates the higher mentality. Thus, it is an excellent color for psychological or nervous conditions or problems. It also energizes the muscles. Dark yellow soothes pain in the nerves.

Yellow is the color:

Through the liveliness of its color, yellow has positive effects on the brain and the nervous system, facilitating brain activity and strengthening the nerves.

Yellow is the color:


Healing properties: Indigo is a great purifier of the blood circulation and also acts on mental problems. It is a liberating and purifying agent.

This particular color is quite subtle It allows access to specific levels of consciousness and stimulates intuition.

The effects of indigo:


This is THE ultimate anti-fatigue color!

Located between yellow and red, orange stimulates the thyroid gland and has positive effects on the elimination of fatty deposits.

It is an antispasmodic color recommended in specific cases:

Orange is also considered to be:


Healing properties: Green is the color of nature and the earth. It is balance and harmony in its essence and has a calming influence on mind and body. It is neither relaxing nor astringent in its impact and can be used for any healing state.

Green is the color:

It is a very pleasant color that gives a feeling of harmony with nature.

The effects of green:


This color is at the end of the visible light spectrum.

Some people cannot stand the power of these purple rays, because it is a powerful color with exceptional therapeutic properties.

The effects of the color purple: