


Chromotherapy is a complementary soft medicine that finds in colors various forces of energy, appeasement and healing. Each shade has a light wave of a different length, as well as its own vibration speeds, it is mainly in these two parameters that the effectiveness of the method on cells and skin is concentrated. However, like all the senses, visual perception also acts on the nervous system, where each color can then also trigger surprising stimuli that have a physical, psychic and emotional influence.

During sessions of ten to thirty minutes, the colored lights are projected on the body as a whole or target specific areas, joints, organs, scars, or the four acupuncture meridians.

The 21 LEDs in the colors of life of the Ludmilla lamp from HipMind, light up the pleasures of well-being.


Lamp for chromotherapy

The Ludmila lamp experience allows you to discover the benefits of chromotherapy. Thanks to its 21 multicolored LEDs, it reuses the colors present in the light spectrum. Each color has its own meaning and therefore corresponds to a part of the body and a specific need.

For example the green symbol of the nature of the earth, represents harmony. Green has soothing and calming effects, ideal for reducing anxiety and nervousness.

True therapeutic tools, with the Ludmila lamp you can choose the color you want according to your needs. Also you will have the possibility to apply light variations or not, as well as to control the intensity of the light according to your convenience via its easy to use and intuitive application.

Lumière Ludmila Chromothérapie
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Users Testify

Témoignages clients
The chromatherapy session is always for me a parenthesis of well-being, of relaxation, where I refocus on my emotions and the feeling of the action of the colors with which I am in contact.
Témoignage Chloé
Chloe M.
I mainly use the lamp in chromotherapy mode. Since this acquisition, I feel really different! Less stress, better sleep, fewer headaches etc... I don't regret this purchase at all!
Témoignage Adrien
Adrian V.
Since using the Ludmila lamp, I have regained my form and am in a good mood only after a few sessions of chromotherapy and light therapy!
Daniel F.