
The hypnagogic state


The hypnagogic state is located in this sibylline zone where, still awake, one feels sleep looming. This transitional territory oscillates between two forms of consciousness, guided on the one hand by so-called diurnal characteristics such as logic, coherence and nocturnal specificities which are more intuitive and imaginative, nevertheless despite a reduction in their activities the five senses always remain active. This drowsiness has the effect of a predisposition to visions similar to dreams and to unusual sensory experiences, a phenomenon providing optimal relaxation and an increase in creativity, since sleep plays a major role in the performance of cognitive functions.

As the subject in a hypnagogic state remains sufficiently conscious to at least partially remember what is happening, many artists or scientists such as Salvador Dali, Paul Mc Cartney, or Thomas Edison have admitted to having had many ideas or revelations while they were on the border between waking and sleeping.

The Ludmila lamp from HipMind is there to accompany you in order to reach this enigmatic and beneficial space without difficulty and thus help you discover all the benefits to come.

Reach the hypnagogic state thanks to Ludmila !


Hypnagogic light device

The Ludmila light is a neuro-stimulator lamp made up of 21 multicolored LEDs that send flashes of light varying in both speed and intensity. These light sources trigger the intense experience (vision) of a world of colors and shapes.

Each experience is completely unique and must be experienced with eyes closed. Light entering through the retina harmonizes the two hemispheres and stimulates the pineal gland (3rd eye).

The Ludmila lamp literally boosts the brain by the energy transmitted through the light. Neurostimulating, it is useful for inducing sleep, progressing in meditation or even just re-energizing. It can be used alone, or to accompany hypnosis sessions, osteopathy maneuvers or Tibetan bowl massages.

Lumière Ludmila
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Users Testify
Témoignages clients
A pretty amazing lamp! I have to admit it 🙂 After a great experience, I was conquered by this machine which allows the awakening to a modified state of consciousness. An incredible feeling!
Témoignage Claire
Claire G.
It's hard to describe such a moment... but what a pleasure! It's a lot of things at once. Destabilizing the first seconds, it then becomes relaxing, introspective, playful, soothing...
Témoignage Vincent
Vincent C.
Since I have been using it, especially the 40hz gamma frequency programs, the quality of my sleep has improved considerably.
Témoignage Pierre
Peter P.